Interactome INSIDER

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Download files updated February, 2018.

Protein-Level Residue Downloads

Highest Confidence Interfaces All Interfaces
H. sapiens Download Download
A. thaliana Download Download
S. cerevisiae Download Download
C. elegans Download Download
D. melanogaster Download Download
M. musculus Download Download
S. pombe Download Download
E. coli Download Download

Download interface residues predicted by ECLAIR for full interactomes, and calculated from PDB structures and homology models, when available.

“High Confidence” interfaces include interface residues calculated from PDB structures, homology models, and the “Very High” and “High” interface potential categories from ECLAIR. “Complete” interfaces also include the “Medium” ECLAIR interface potential category.

Genomic Coordinate Downloads (BED File)

All BED mappings are now updated to hg38.